Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Baking - Check

One more thing checked off my list! My Christmas baking is done! It is actually bitter-sweet. I really enjoy doing it. I just really need to do our Christmas cards and focus on other things. And as for the Christmas cards, I hope you all don't mind receiving it via email since my handheld device's battery died and I lost everyone's address who has moved in the last 2 years. Who, by the way, is mostly everyone we know! Can't we all just get settled and keep the same address for a few years!
Well as for the Christmas treats I usually make caramels, but decided to be daring and different this year. So I made chocolate-covered-caramel-popcorn and oreo pops for our newly-found Minnesota friends. If you can't make new friends, you can always bribe them! Hopefully it worked because the treats tasted wonderful!! I got both recipes from my friend Morgan. The caramel popcorn recipe I stole from Morgan a few years ago and have made it multiple times since. It is very addicting! The oreo pops I tried for the first time this year. Both look so festive and are very easy to make. Don't get me wrong, all baking takes time especially if you make 50 oreo pops like I did! But they are both fun and simple to make. They make great gifts for friends and neighbors. I have delivered all but 2 and have had several compliments. One family didn't believe that I made them! Thanks Morgan for the great ideas! And my MN friends will be thanking you later!

We attached a poem to the treats that Rob wrote:
Some kernels we’ve popped and covered with sweetness,
If you’re at all like us, it’s a fabulous weakness;
But it’s that time of year, when sharing seems right,
So forget the calories and enjoy the delight.
In addition, you’ll find Oreo’s dipped in chocolatey goo
--a definite sign we’re thinking of you,
Though we may not repeat it as often as we should,
Your friendship we value as better than good.
Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas Baking!! (One cute pic of Evan for some holiday cheer!)


Anonymous said...

Mandy- the Oreo Pop's ROCK. Great job on the corn, too. We are both sitting here laughing at the genius-ness of Rob's poem...maybe he should change careers...

Anonymous said...

Love the poem, Rob, and Mandy, your treats look too perfect! I think you should email your Minnesota friends and mail treats to those of us far away =)

Anonymous said...

Kimberly- why do you always post on Mandles blog and not on mine? Do I have to divorce you as my friend?

a random John said...

Crazy Aunt Mary strikes again! Muhahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Oh I need these recipes! Please bring them to Utah when you come. Thank you so much. I can almost taste them mmmmmmmmm! You are all adorable. Love ya Big B