Sunday, October 05, 2008

Afternoon at the Park

What a gorgeous day it was today! It was General Conference for our church, meaning we get to watch a broadcast of the prophet and apostles speaking to us instead of attending our usual church meetings. In between sessions my family went to the park. It was the perfect park day! Evan rode his trike and we all walked around with Steph and Troy's dog, Bo. Rob had a great idea to get a family picture though Evan wasn't so excited about that idea. The sun was in our eyes and he didn't want to stop riding his trike for a minute for the photo to be snapped. You think Evan doesn't look happy here.....
Well he REALLY wasn't happy at this point! Rob pulled Evan off of his trike and the sun was blasting in his eyes. Doesn't the park look like a miserable place?It wasn't all tears, Lily sure liked testing out Evan's trike. Troy, Steph, and Ty were all entertained by Evan's somersaults down the hill and flying his airplane down the slides.Lily, happy as always, on my Dad's shoulders. Doesn't that look like a fake background? So pretty! It is nice to be back in Utah, so close to the gorgeous mountains and family.


AJenkins said...

Oh, those mountains! I could just about die to see those mountains. Or the Cafe Rio plexie glass from the vantage point of a salivating customer, either one. We miss you and your sweet little ones get cuter and cuter. Hope you are enjoying the fall!

AJenkins said...
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AJenkins said...
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Mike and Erin Hale said...

Hey Mandy!! Lily is so big. I can't believe she is one already. I bet you're really missing Minnesota this time of year. I don't think the temp. has gotten above 10 degrees for a few days. We have gotten lots of snow, with more on the way too! We miss you guys.
