Today for my mom's birthday the kids and I went to lunch with her at Cafe Rio. As always it was delicious. Of course since it was my mom's birthday she came bearing gifts for the kids! Evan has been begging for his own kid scissors so his unbirthday wish was granted and Lily is such a girly girl that she got bracelets. Both kids also got bubble wands that are such a hit. All day Lily has been saying "bubbles". Isn't that just like a grandma, come bearing gifts for the grandkids no matter whose birthday it is. It was nice to spend a couple hours with my mom on her birthday. My mom is such a caring and selfless person. She will drop whatever she is doing to help someone out. My mom is also a fun shopping buddy! She is such a great example to me and I hope she had a nice birthday!
Later that day the kids decided that the TV console was a playhouse. Lily started by playing hide-n-seek.

Evan joined in very quickly. Of course they both had their bubble wands with them so they could defend their playhouse!

Evan and Lily played in here for a good 15 minutes.

Love these two silly kids!
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