Evan has been wanting to sleep in the tent and lucky for him he has a great dad who is willing to do so. Last night Rob told Evan it was the perfect night to sleep in the tent, meaning that Rob didn't have to go to work the next day. Not so perfect weather since it rain off and on, but that made the experience that much cooler! Lily would have loved to sleep in the tent with the boy team, but the girl team opted to sleep in a more comfortable setting. Plus Lily would have never held still long enough to go to sleep in the tent since she would have been so excited.

Evan wanted to take a picture so this is what he got but when he wanted to take a second picture...

this was the outcome. Obviously Lily had only agreed to one photo!
Rob is such a great dad. Not only did he set up the tent and sleep (probably not great!) outside with Evan but today he took Evan golfing. Every time Rob goes golfing Evan wants to go too. So today Rob took Evan to the driving range and putting green at Thanksgiving Point. It is so nice that my kids have a dad who does such fun things with them especially things that I am not so fond of doing with them, like sleeping in a tent! Plus Rob is watching the kids tonight so I can go to dinner with friends! What a great guy! Thanks Rob!
What a fun dad! I'm sure Evan will always remember their little camp out in the rain. It would me hard for me not to go inside to my warm bed.
You might want to contact zach josie because he lived in a tent for almost a week last summer. He was just hanging out in his backyard. Terry told him he had to stop sleeping out there or he probably would have done it until the weather turned cold.
I haven't checked your blog in so long . . . I'm glad you are posting again! I'm so jealous you guys got to hang out with Matt and Tracy. One day soon we'll get down there too.
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