We took a fun trip to Lake Powell last weekend. We stayed 3 days and 2 nights which was perfect for the kids. We went with my family and my sister-in-law's (Mindi) parents. It was perfect weather and a great time was had by all!

How many kids can you fit in a kiddie pool? Yes we had a whole lake to swim in but the kids liked this pool just as much! Look how cute my nephew Kaden is!

My mom and Mindi's mom, Lisa, came prepared with lots of fun things for the kids to do. Lots of sand toys, bubbles, water guns, bug catchers, and yes shaving cream!

Shaving cream, shampoo, it's all the same, right?

As you can see Evan had a blast with the shaving cream!

Tyler brought his "friend" Megan. She was a lot of fun and really good with the kids. She can come anytime!

Lisa and I washing dishes. This picture really should have been of my mom and Lisa. I pretty much was next to my kids at all times worried of them drowning. Thus I didn't help out much with meal prep or clean up. Thanks Mom and Lisa for keeping us well fed.

Lily with her favorite "Papa" as she calls my dad.

The brothers.

Lisa took Evan and I on a tube ride behind the waverunner. Then Evan wanted to return the favor by driving the waverunner with Rob and Lisa on the tube. Let's just say Evan wasn't as gentle on Lisa and Rob.

There were many waterfights. Anytime someone decide to sit and relax, Evan would go around asking if they wanted to have a waterfight!

Even Lily got in on the waterfights!

Evan was really good about wearing his lifejacket. I made him wear it a lot of the time to decrease my worrying!

Evan and Rob after a fun time with shaving cream!

We had a great time at Powell. We hadn't been for 4 years and it was nice to feel the Lake Powell heat and red rocks. We always forgot to take the camera when we went in the boat but we did lots of surfing, some wakeboarding and skiing. My brother Michael and his wife Mindi took the award for longest surfs. Tyler had knee surgery a month ago and was out of service so he was our surfing coach and did a good job at it. I think Evan and Lisa could live at Lake Powell but I was glad to get home and shower and sleep in my bed! Thanks to my parents and Lisa and Eddie for making this trip happen!
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