Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Children's Museum and St Paul

Saturday we took a trip to St Paul for a visit to the Children's Museum and a car tour of the State Capitol. This was Rob's first time to the Children's Museum and I was all excited for him to go. I thought that he would just think it was the coolest! Well Rob enjoyed it, but not so much for himself. He enjoyed it by watching Evan have so much fun!

The Museum has a new exhibit for winter called Snow Ball - Winter Fun. It has all sort of outdoor winter activities inside. Rob and Evan went Ice Fishing and had a Snow Ball fight.

There is an exhibit called Studio Express where kids pick a song and can sing and dance up on a stage. There is a TV screen where they can watch themselves perform. Evan had a great time dancing and shaking his maraca. These two cute girls just stood their with their guitars amazed to see themselves on the TV screen.

Rob and Evan as ants in the giant ant hill.

We spent a couple of hours at the museum and then headed to the State Capitol building a few blocks away. The Capitol is very pretty, set up on a hill. It reminds Rob and I of the US Capitol building. There is a street called Summit Avenue with huge old trees lining the street and gorgeous Victorian mansions along it. We took a drive along the avenue and enjoyed looking at these beautiful homes. These houses were built in the mid to late 1800's and most of them have been restored. It was fun to pick out our favorites. I wish I would have taken some pictures of them, but I enjoyed being able to just look at them. We also saw the Cathedral of St Paul which is massive! It was nice to get out and see some things that the Twin Cities offers.

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