Today was Evan's end-of-year preschool program. Evan's last preschool program was his Christmas program where I sat on the stage the entire time with him and the very last song he sat with his class.

Well I am happy to say that Evan has come a long way! Here is Evan and Rob before the program started.

When the director of the preschool asked the children to come up on the stage for the program, Evan got right up out of his chair and walked proudly up to the stage. It was a proud parent moment for Rob and I. We kept thinking that Evan was going to turn around and run back to us, but he didn't! The program was darling and they sang lots of cute songs.
Here they are singing The
Eentsy Weentsy Spider and altering the volume of their voice by singing it how these animals would sing it.

Singing "Raining Lemon Drops and Gum Drops" with umbrella hats

My Little Stud!

Each kid had a different crazy hat on, I can't remember the song. But I promise it was cute (I am not biased at all!).

Evan the jester

Evan with his teacher Miss Marci who he absolutely loves and will miss so much!

Here is a picture of Evan on his first day of preschool last August. Can you believe how much he has grown?
Cute video clip of program
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