External sign that faces Bangerter
Close up of sign
Windows into Rob's office from hallway of building
Door into office
Your cute greeter
Reception Desk (a brushed nickle sign is being made to hang on the red wall). The waiting area/reception desk is my second favorite area. I totally love it but just wait until you see the treatment area. That is my first love.
Petrified Wood marble counter top at reception desk, so cool!
Waiting area, now there are 2 oversized chairs in this area and a tree in the right corner
Children's area that is still being worked on. Though the most important thing to the kids is there - the arcade game. Eventually there will be some kid chairs, train table, and TV. You can't see but on the left wall there is a book rack.
Consult Room. Still in progress as well! A custom desk is being built for the left side of this room where Rob will sit to discuss treatment options with patient's parents.
Hall to treatment bay. The wall of fame - it was such a good idea. This picture doesn't do justice, actually all the pictures don't do the office justice!!
Xray room which is shared with the dentist next door.
Teeth brushing area or kiss your cute daughter area
Hallway painting
View of treatment bay as you walk down the hall. There are 2 chairs now but can have 4 for the future when it gets crazy busy (we hope!).
Treatment Bay which is my favorite room. It is well lit with lots of windows and I love the red cabinets, the countertops, the wood floors, and paintings to the left. I just love it all! Rob loves it too which is good since this is where he will spend most of his time.
Treatment Bay with cute Kelley and her ever-so-handy husband Brandon hanging the canvases.
Semi-private room used for impressions and adult patient who don't want to line up with the teenagers in the treatment bay. The countertop is in now.
Sterilization area
The lab, nothing much more to say about that.
Staff Lounge which will eventually have a table and chairs so they can actually eat in here!! Those are lockers on the left.
Rob and Micah's personal bathroom off of their office. This was a huge requirement for Rob.
Rob and Micah's office. Obviously this room has been deprived with no furniture yet, but eventually a desk and bookshelf will be in here.
As you can see it is a gorgeous office but there is still some work to be done. The finish is so close in sight though. I am so proud of Rob and all the hard work he has put into this office. I am also grateful for Micah who came into this practice and has put his whole heart into it. He has helped out Rob so much and relieved a lot of stress. And the office wouldn't be this beautiful without our great designer Kelley. She has added so much flare and life to the office. Kelley has made it a fun place to work. So all Rob needs now is an office full of patients. Bring them on!!

The office is beautiful and right next to a pediatric dentist! That's a good location!!!
It looks great! Congrats you guys!
It does look amazing... hopefully we can come visit soon!
Beautiful office, Rob!! Congratulations! I hope all is still going very well :)
Looks great. When my kids need braces, we're so coming to Rob. I love that Kelley designed everything. Could she be any cuter? And what about you? You're darling. Loved seeing you and your crew a few months ago.
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