We had a lovely 4th of July. It started with the guys golfing and the girls shopping (Teresa and I). Isn't that how life should be? Except next time the guys get the kids!! Afterwards we went to Stephanie and Brian's house for a BBQ, kick soccer, and fireworks.
The cousins minus James, Benson, and Gwyneth.
Corinne, Whitney, Lily, Taylor, Landon, and Evan
The kids loved the glow sticks. The consensus was that next year we just buy a ton of glow sticks and call it a night. The kids were entertained for hours making all sorts of things out of the glow sticks.
Corinne made her glow sticks into a hula hoop.
Lily is ALL girl and loved the bracelet glow sticks made for her.
Not the cutest picture of Lily but so cute that she is reaching up to hug Rob while he is kissing her. I love the bond between Dad and Daughter.
The boys, as in Rob and Eric, enjoyed the fireworks more than the kids. Here they are amazed at the snakes.
If you look really closely to the lower left of the fireworks you will see Evan in a trance starring at the fireworks. He must get that from his dad!
It was a nice day spent with family but I couldn't help but think of those who aren't with their family because they are serving our country. This thought made me sad. I am so grateful for those who sacrifice so much to make our country free. My friend Sue and her family were in my thoughts several times today. Her husband, Justin, is currently deployed to Afghanistan as a Navy doctor. He has been gone since May of last year and is due to come home in a few weeks!! After talking with her I get a little bit more of a feel of what these families go through for our sake. I have immense gratitude for these military families and feel that thank you isn't enough, but I will say it again - THANK YOU!

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